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2004-11-27 - Friday finds or close to it anyway
2004-11-19 - Friday finds things I thought I lost and the newly found
2004-11-19 - Stay overs and limitations
2004-11-15 - Speedy exits and wrong books
2004-11-12 - Friday Finds Friends and Space
2004-10-30 - Competitive Edge
2004-10-25 - One year, conventions, and a lil bad stuff mixed in
2004-10-15 - A small evaluation of myself
2004-10-01 - Birthday that's not so happy
2004-09-28 - Love Bug
2004-09-05 - Work Study?
2004-08-29 - A.S. + M.Y.
2004-08-20 - Overworked for work that's not mine
2004-08-15 - The plans that never go through
2004-08-10 - Phone calls before sleep deprivation
2004-08-08 - The terrible deeds of yesterday
2004-08-05 - Summer cleaning and the limitations of little space
2004-08-03 - Injuries galore, Oh my!
2004-07-26 - Workouts and handball, holy smokes!
2004-07-08 - The Fourth and Sickness
2004-06-18 - Life without the Internet
2004-06-05 - Baseball
2004-06-02 - Half baked friends
2004-05-25 - Painful Steps
2004-05-22 - The Cute Couple
2004-05-17 - Insults and applications
2004-05-07 - Retooling the robot
2004-05-01 - I don't wanna care anymore
2004-04-28 - Stories and computers...what's new?
2004-04-23 - A Hug
2004-04-19 - Breakdown
2004-04-07 - The Lies and Truth Behind the Family
2004-04-04 - Banners and Promises
2004-04-03 - Walking in the broken glass road
2004-04-02 - Spring break is almost here
2004-03-27 - Thoughts floating in the head
2004-03-24 - Hectic...
2004-03-22 - First Entry

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